
Monday, November 13, 2017

Silent Reading Today

I read from page 34-56
Ash was ln his way to New bark town, while on there way they got stiked by a Pokemon, it's trainer was Oficcer Jenny, Oficcer Jenny is the Police, she had lots of sisters and cousins that look like her and the were all Oficcers. The Pokemon that Oficcer Jenny had was a Spinark, Spinark was a bug and- Poisin type Pokemon, Brock blushed when he saw Oficcer Jenny ( Brock had a crush on every Oficcer Jenny from each town) Then Oficcer Jenny said to Ash, you guys are the thifes, she loudley Ash and his freinds  said no and Oficcer Jenny said sorry then she commanded Spinark to untiy Ash and his friends. Ash said that they can help because they solve mysterys and they call theselves Bergalary Investervgation. Ash said that they can help find the Black Aerchind ( the thifes ) and Ash went to a old mans house with his freinds and Oficcer Jenny. They called out all of there Pokemon then they hid them in a place where the thifs can't find them but the thives was sleeping in the artic then the clock rang then they all woke up and they went out side to look with the thives walked into the trap bu they came down and they stole the Champion world cup but the thives ran to the top roof and the tried to escape but they couldn't because Ash's Charisard shoke the ballown and everything they stole came down and Oficcer Jenny caught the Chapion world cup and the old man said Thank you but the thives went flying and the said looks like Team Rockets blasting of again.


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