
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Summer leaning Journey week 1 day 1

3 Intresting facts about Maui
Fact 1. Māui took a jawbone which his ancestor Murirangawhenua had given him.
Fact 2. I have come to fish because Murirangawhenua said I would be a great fisherman
Last fact Over many hundreds and thousands of years, these gullies and mountains became part of the landscape of Aotearoa

What other stories have you heard abotu Maui?

The other stories are Maui and Moana.

Activity 2: Setting Sail
The first settlers to come to New Zealand must have been really brave! They had to leave their original homes and sail thousands of miles across the ocean on a special boat called a ‘waka’ to reach New Zealand.

Imagine that you were on board one of the wakas. On your blog, write a short letter to a friend telling them about your voyage to New Zealand. In the letter be sure to tell them how you feel about moving to a new country. If it was me, I would have felt really nervous…

Letter to a Friend
Dear Friend I will be moving to a new country on a boat called a waka I feel sad because I get to leave you on the island your on. I feel nervous when I move to another country, I'm nervous because the boat might sink or we might head to a a island were we will get lost. I hope to see you again if I die.

Bonus Activity: Waka Ama
To this day, the people of New Zealand still use waka. Instead of using their waka to transport them from one place to another, they sometimes use waka in special events and in sporting competitions such as Waka Ama. Both boys and girls compete in Waka Ama boat races.
Watch this short video of a Waka Ama race. On your blog tell us whether you would like to be in a Waka Ama race one day. Why or why not?

I wouldn't be in a waka ama because I might fall to the bottom of the sea and I will get eatan by a shark.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Basic Facts 13/12/17

Learning goal
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Monday 11/12/17
On Monday I got 41/60 for stage 5 for my basic facts test.
Wednesday 13/12/17
On Wednesday I got 37/60 for stage 5 in my Basic facts test.
 I need to work on My Groupings within 100, Subtraction to 20, Addition to 20, Division 2 5 and 10.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My Typing Test 13/12/17

Learning goal
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 11/12/17
 On Monday I got 32 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 161.
Wednesday 13/12/17
On Wednesday I got 34 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 168.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

My Silent Reading (6/12/17)

I read from page 15-24
Image result for GO WEST YOUNG ASH BOOK
This is what happened 
Professer Oak asked Ash if he could travel to Kurt in the western  side then he said no problem. Then Ash and his friends went hiking in the woods then they had to stop because the forest began to fog then Ash said to keep going and Misty said see now you got us lost but Ash said hey you guys get us lost everytime then Togepi hooped out of Misty's hands a began to run then Pikachu was runing behind Togepi then they stoped and Ash got there just in time. Then Ash saw a blue bubble was floating in the air and Ash saw a Pokemon that had the same color as the bubble it jupmed down to the ground and ran up ahead then Misty and brock saw it to then they ran after it and the got lost but Ash saw a town up ahead.

Friday, December 1, 2017

My Typing Test

Learning goal
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 27/11/17
On Monday I got 28 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 139
Friday 1/12/17
On Friday I got 31 for my WPM and for my CPM  I got 153 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Silent Reading 27/11/17

I read from page 50-60
This is what happended
Ash and his friends were with Gligarman at the top of the tower, when Ash and them heard the wisthle Gligarman ran to the control pannel and they saw a toy shop was robed. when Ash and them got there they walked into the shop and saw 1 girl, a boy and a Pokemon. Ash reconized the girls long and red hair then Ash shouted at them saying hey I know you Ash said. Ash then said you ar Jessie from team rocket. James and Meowth were in a Metapod siut then  Gligar flew into the air then went on top of James head then James screamed and he said try and get it of me but the Ash and Gligarman were tight up by a sticky web then the tryed to get. Then a girl said I will help you she said and Gligarman said who are? she said i'm .... Gligirl then she commanded Gligar to cut the sticky web then when it cut the web Ash and Gligarman was free then Gligirl jupmed and landed on the floor with Ash and Ash Told Pikachu to use thunderbolt then Pikachu did it then team rocket shouted saying were blasting off again 

Friday, November 24, 2017

Silent Reading on the 24/11/17

I read from page 49-50
This is what happened 
When they steped in Ash said where are we going Ash said Gligarman said we are going to the top of the tower. Ash and his friends arived at the top of the tower the top tower was a secret base they saw gligar hanging on the jungle gym. Gligar flew to it's trainer with excitment and Gligarman said hi to his Pokemon. Ash looked all around the room, the room was all dark and Misty said It's great when you fight against evil she said. Ash said I really look up to you, Gligarman. It was true.
To be CONTINUED........ 

Silent Reading 22/11/7

I read from page 32-42
This is what happened
Ash meet a girl and her name is Latoya, Ash and his friends were walking in the woods and they saw a city that had a Gligar moto. Ash and his friends walked to the biulding and they saw Latoya, she sasid what are you guys doing here. Ash ascked Latoya if she knew all about Gligarman she said no. Then Ash Said do know his Idenity she said no, no! then Latoya's dad came and he said I know all about Gligarman he said in with exictment then he said that Gligarman had muscles and  he was strong but then Misty said really she said he Dosen't have any  mucsles they all said then Latoya's dad said I blew it then he said I am the Gligarman he said then he said to them to step in the elevator. 
To be CONTINUED........ 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Silent Reading Today

Image result for pokemon race to danger

I read from page 18-34
This is what happend
Brock drove the car to see whats going to happen in the front, Ash and Misty went with Windy there new freind they were helping her because the mean boy named Jet is mean he wanted to win Dratini, Dratini is a drogon type pokemon that evolve into Dratinon and the final evolve is Droginite. Windy was confidint Ash was confident too and Ash was brave and he still liked windy, Ash was angry a Jet because Jet thorw 3 pokeballs he chosse Ferrow, Wenomoth and Scyther. Jet commanded them to surond Windy's ballown and he commanded Scyther  to tare the ballown apart. Then Ash told Pigeot to fly with Pikachu then Ash commanded Pikachu to use thunder bolt to the top of the ballown then the ballown riped apart and then Ash commanded Bulbasur to use razor leaf so the leaf can be stuck on the ballown.  

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Basic Facts

Learning goal
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Monday 13/11/17
 On Monday I got 33/60 for stage 5, Basic facts
 Friday 17/11/17
On Monday I got 49/60 for stage 5 for Basic facts 
 I need to work on Groupings within 100, Addition and subtraction

My Typing Test

Learning goal
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 13/11/17
 On Monday I got 28 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 141
Friday 117/11/17
On Friday I got 32 for WPM and for my CPM I got 159

Monday, November 13, 2017

Silent Reading Today

I read from page 34-56
Ash was ln his way to New bark town, while on there way they got stiked by a Pokemon, it's trainer was Oficcer Jenny, Oficcer Jenny is the Police, she had lots of sisters and cousins that look like her and the were all Oficcers. The Pokemon that Oficcer Jenny had was a Spinark, Spinark was a bug and- Poisin type Pokemon, Brock blushed when he saw Oficcer Jenny ( Brock had a crush on every Oficcer Jenny from each town) Then Oficcer Jenny said to Ash, you guys are the thifes, she loudley Ash and his freinds  said no and Oficcer Jenny said sorry then she commanded Spinark to untiy Ash and his friends. Ash said that they can help because they solve mysterys and they call theselves Bergalary Investervgation. Ash said that they can help find the Black Aerchind ( the thifes ) and Ash went to a old mans house with his freinds and Oficcer Jenny. They called out all of there Pokemon then they hid them in a place where the thifs can't find them but the thives was sleeping in the artic then the clock rang then they all woke up and they went out side to look with the thives walked into the trap bu they came down and they stole the Champion world cup but the thives ran to the top roof and the tried to escape but they couldn't because Ash's Charisard shoke the ballown and everything they stole came down and Oficcer Jenny caught the Chapion world cup and the old man said Thank you but the thives went flying and the said looks like Team Rockets blasting of again.


Friday, November 10, 2017

My typing Test

learning goal
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 6/11/17
On Monday I got 30 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 152
                                                                         Friday 10/11/17
       On Friday I got 33 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 164

Basic Facts Term 4 Week 4

Learning goal
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Monday 6/11/17
On Monday I got 36/60 for my basic facts at stage 5

Friday 10/11/17
On Friday I got 46/60 for my Basic facts at stage 5
 I need to work on my Groupings within 100, Addition and Subtraction.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Typing Test

Learning goal
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 30/10/17
On Monday I got 26 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 129
Friday 3/11/17
On Friday I got 27 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 135

Basic Facts

Lerning goal
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Monday 30/10/17
  On Monday I got 40/60 for stage 5 In Basic Facts

    Friday 3/11/17

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Holiday writing term 4

Learning goal
I am learning to write as fast and I am learning to write to help us with our mistakes

 On Thursday the 12/10/17 I went to Iverson’s birthday with Alfred, Gabriel, Charis, Fano Iverson’s cousin, Me and Marcus. First they picked me then we went to pick Alfred from his nephew's house and then we went to Iverson’s dad's house we played rugby thorow then we had to go on Iveson’s dad’s car to pick up Gabriel and Charis from there house.

 When we got there we went to Ellerslie to Virtual reality and when we got there we went to the top to the ps4 and games up but when we finished playing on top we came back down to demonstrate how to do it. When she finished demonstrating she put us on the game and I was playing Space fighting while I was playing I was nervous and I wanted to play a different game then she said if I would like to play a multiplayer game and I said yes.

 When I was playing I saw a button then when I pressed on it it took me to a fight and I was in a blue team then we were finished because time was up then we tried again and I was in the red team then time was up again and we did it again I was in the blue team and we won then we had to eat chips and our lollie bucket then we had to go play up top then we came back down because Iverson’s mom said then we eat a chocolate cake then we went bock on then after that our time was up we had to come off. After that we went to macdonalds we eat ice cream then we went to drop off Gabriel, Charis and Marcus to there house then me and Alfred went with Iverson to his dad’s house and we were playing war Iverson was in Alfred’s team and I was on my own. After that I was hiding behind the fence and they couldn’t see me then I made a sound and they screamed I was laughing quietly then they opened the back door but it was locked and I they said he’s in there and he locked the door but Iverson’s mum opened the door then I said what they can’t see me. Then I walked in the said ohh there you are then I said guys I was hiding behind the fence and they said ohh so that was the sound. After that we played guess what am I game.

Iverson’s one was a bicycle and Alfred’s one was a Butterfly and my one was a knife. First I guess mine then I got the answer then Alfred and Iverson was last then Iverson’s mum told us who ever loses the have to do 10 push up and Iverson and Alfred did ten push ups. Then Iverson’s mum told us to get into the car and we got into her car then we went to MacDonalds and we brought McDonalds and we dropped Alfred off then we dropped me back home and when I got there my mum was so happy because she thought that I was lost.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Basic Facts term 4

Learning goal:
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Monday 23/10/17
On Monday I got 37/60 for stge 5 on Basic facts.
                                                                          Friday 27/10/17
                                       On Friday I got 42/60 for stage 5 in basic facts.
I need to work on my Groupings within 100, Addition to 20 and Subtaction.

Typing Test term 4

Learning goal:
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 23/10/17
On Monday I got 29 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 145
                                                                         Friday 27/10/17
                           On Friday I got 31 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 156.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

2D and 3D shapes 2017

2D and 3D shapes

My Basic Facts Test

Learning goal:
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Monday 17/10/17
We didin't do it on Monday

                                                                     Fraiday 20/10/17
On Fraiday I got 40/60 for my timed in Prototec

Friday, October 20, 2017

My Silent Reading Today

I read from page 59-69
This is what happend
Ash and his friends headed to town and they walked to a buliding and there was a young boy who wanted to have a Pokemon battle with Ash wihle the battle the young boys mum called him for dinner and he returned his Pokemon and ran back home then Ash, Misty and Brock Misty and Brock is Ash.
When Ash and his friends got to the Pokemon Center (A Pokemon Center is where you go and heal your Pokemon) they made food for the Pokemon Ash called out to all his Pokemon to come out and eat but one didn't came and eat it was Chikorita who wasn't coming to eat, Chikorita wass straing outside the window it was sad because Ash made it upset but Ash didn't know so Ash gave it to Nurse Joy.
When Brock saw her he ran up to her and he had a crush on her but Misty pulled his ear and then they went to put Chikorita in the green house where the Pokemon that are unhappy sleep. When Ash and his friends got to bed Pikachu couln't sleep so Pikachu went to Chikorita at the green house but when Pikachu opened the green house he went in looking for Chikorita but Chikorita ran out of the green house then Pikachu saw Chikorita running out then Pikachu ran out following it but Chikorita ran so fast. 

My typing Test

learning goal: 
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday 17/10/17
On Monday I got 27 for my WPM and for my CPM I got 133
                                                         Friday 20/10/17
                    On Friday I got 31 for my WPM and for my CPM i got 154

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Silent Reading Today

I read from page 11-25
This is waht happened
Ash a young boy had a battle with the girl, the girls name is Chasey, Chasey had there Pokemon she had Pidgey, Pidgey is a  flying and normal type, her next Pokemon is Rattara, Rattara is a poisin type Pokemon and her last Pokemon is Chikorita, Chikorita is a Grass and Poisin type Pokemon. Ash Battled Chasey she chooses Pidgey and Ash Choose Charisard and Pidgey used quick attack but Pidgey hell back down because it fit Charisard's belly then it fainted then Chasey choose Rattara and it did the same thing Pidgey did the Rattara fainted then it was Chasey's last Pokemon she choose Chikorita but Chikorita used winewhip but Charisard used flamethower and it went on top of Chikorita's leaf on it's head it ran in circles and then fainted.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Silent Reading

I read from page 1-11
This is what happend in the story 
Ash a youngboy who started his Pokemon traing when he was 10 he had Pokemons in his black and white pokeball but one didin't stay in it's pokeball it was Pickachu, Pickachu was Ashs first pokemon. On the way to a town called Bark town on the way Ash saw a girl she had a Chikorita and there was a Rattarta and she was a huge fan of the Electrabuzz basball when she cathed her Rattara then she was happ, but when Ash went by she was smiling at Pickachu then she said  a Pickachu she said then Ash said hey thats my Pickachu and the girl said that she voted for Eletrabuzz bassball but Ash said that he voted for the Magigkarp bassball. Then the girl said that they are going to have a Pokemon fight but the girl said they have to use only 3 Pokemon each who ever wins then they will have to vote on the players you vote for, Ash Agreed.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

My Writing term 3

Ouick write
The power went out at your school today. Write a short recount about your experience.

The Power went off

The power Went out at your school today. Write a short recount about your experience.

At school the power went out.I saw a Candle in the office I thought there was a Zombie in the office I was Afraid that the Zombie might come and kill me but when I saw Mr Coakley in the office I was surprised. I was sitting on the bench and waited for the  hall door to open so I can go and eat breakfast. When I finished eating breakfast I saw Izayah and when he came out of his mum’s car. When he got out of the car  I ran to the door at the office and waited until he made it he got to the shad at the hall my teacher Mrs Middleton open the door then we went into class.

When I got my Netbook and charger out I realized that the power was off I was afraid  then I told my teacher what happened to the light? She said that there was a cut.  When I was doing the chairs with Izayah I was so scared then Tom came and I thought that Abs was sick but when Diego asked Tom, Tom said that Abs was still coming then I said hooray because there was Financial literacy when the bell rang ding ding ding we sat on out chairs for Financial literacy. When  Financial literacy finished we went on our Prototec we couldn't finish Prototec because the Wifi was going to be off.

Then we got our lunch to get ready for Morning tea then we eat then when we finished eating we were playing with the toys then we all played and than the lights were on when we went on our netbooks we played then the bell rang ding ding ding then we closed our freetime tabs then we went down to the floor to say our prayers.

I wish that never happens ever again.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Basic Facts Test

Learning goal
I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Monday 25/9/17

  Friday 29/9/17
I wasn't here on Friday because I left early.

I need to work on my Adding, Subtracting to 20 and Division and gropings within 100.

My Typing Test

Learning goal
I am practicing my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster
Monday 25/9/17
On Monday I got 29 for my WPM.
 Friday 29/9/17
On Friday I got 32 for my WPM.